Friday, April 21, 2006

i'm in a funny mood

Funny sign
Funny sign

Funny sign

This last one is for a cranky senior citizen who hates children. You know who you are and what you did. Rain happens. Roads get wet. Kids play in water. Kiss off. :-p~~~~


Stress reduction kit - bang head here

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Next Wednesday

Next Wednesday, I'm going back to Weight Watchers.

After carefully considering every diet out there, every life style plan, every fad, I turn back to Weight Watchers as a sensible plan that I know will work for me.

Sure I'll be eating processed foods in the beginning. However, I decided that I can have mini-goals to eat healthier as time goes on. I get stuck in that "I have to give up" mentality and I just don't want to give up everything all at once. I think it is a recipe for failure.

So, Weight Watchers it is. Wednesday is the start date.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

I watched it this weekend. Twice. I bawled both times.

What an excellent movie.

This movie reminded me of my childhood. I grew up in Wyoming. I was born in Laramie and also lived in Cheyenne. Wyoming will always be home to me. Big wide open spaces and lots of wind. Sigh. I miss it.

The movie wasn't filmed in Wyoming, it was filmed in Alberta. The parts of Wyoming that I grew up in were more desolate, baren, but the mountains are beautiful.

I am going to buy the soundtrack for this movie. That song is just hauntingly beautiful. I may even buy the movie.

It breaks my heart that some in society are so closed minded and cruel. Love is always a good thing.

Figuring it out

It is time for me to diet. I have to. My heart pounds, I'm fat, I can't breathe (smoking and weight probably) and I feel miserable.

Two years ago I lost 90 pounds and gained them all back. Every last one. So I have to do that again and this time stick with a healthy lifestyle after the loss.

I'm trying to figure out what in the hell to do this time. I think I will do Weight Watchers again because I ate a healthful diet and it wasn't so bad. When it's done, though, I need to prepare myself for the lifetime maintenance.

The reason I freaked out and fell off my plan was son/public school related. It was stress. Mother's stress and worry over a child. Pretty strong.

Fat is an insulator. It keeps people at bay.

Fat sucks. I hate being the way I am. It's uncomfortable.

On a good note, I'm to the point where I don't give a shit what anyone thinks of me. I have noticed a little fat discrimination in the last month, where before I was oblivious to it. But too bad for them. This is who I am, like me or not. I happen to be a very kind person. However, I am unhealthy and it's time to start a journey.

This week I'm cleaning out the kitchen, searching for recipes and doing a little more research. I'll start in a week or so.

I'm not sharing my weight. Obviously I have 90 to lose, so I'm big. But no numbers. That's personal. I will share my thoughts on this journey. Hopefully I'll figure out how to deal with stress and life's bumps in the roads.

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