Sunday, April 09, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

I watched it this weekend. Twice. I bawled both times.

What an excellent movie.

This movie reminded me of my childhood. I grew up in Wyoming. I was born in Laramie and also lived in Cheyenne. Wyoming will always be home to me. Big wide open spaces and lots of wind. Sigh. I miss it.

The movie wasn't filmed in Wyoming, it was filmed in Alberta. The parts of Wyoming that I grew up in were more desolate, baren, but the mountains are beautiful.

I am going to buy the soundtrack for this movie. That song is just hauntingly beautiful. I may even buy the movie.

It breaks my heart that some in society are so closed minded and cruel. Love is always a good thing.

Girl, how come you didn't tell me about your other "voice", LOL. It'll be interesting reading.

I haven't seen BBM yet because I figured it'd be a tear jerker, and I avoid tear jerkers at all costs. :) I've had tears jerked over other things too many times in my life.
I wasn't sure if I wanted to do another blog or not. But sometimes I want to say "shit" and because my son reads the other blog I didn't want to do that there. lol Gotta set a good example, huh?

I think I'll mostly whine about health here, maybe do a little bitching about this and that, too.

Probably won't be as active as the homeschool blog though.
I just saw the movie...WOW! I agree with wanting the soundtrack. Amazing movie.
That movie looks like hell and is going on the list, along with Titanic, of movies I hope never to see. I'm sure I'll end up seeing it, and I might even like it, but I can't say I want to. If however I find that there is at least one good gunfight or maybe a crooked lawman, perhaps a hold up or two, and a fistfight on top of a train, then maybe . . .
But I doubt it's going to have any of those things, just a bunch of talking and people extrapolating on their doomed romances. And really, who needs that?
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